ADHD Resources (under construction)
Significant Journal Articles
Helpful websites & resources for family
www.everydaywithadhd.com.au - a parent focused website with good resources and an excellent book to help manage you ADHD child.
What I want to say to my mom who "drugged" me - powerful video from How To ADHD - YouTube Channel.
ADHD child vs non-ADHD child - how long does it take to realise which one in which.
Normal is way overrated by Prof Chris Gilberg.
Additude magazine inside the ADHD mind
Helpful websites for professionals
Prof Christopher Gillberg's Blog - Christopher Gillberg is Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. He coined the term ESSENCE an umbrella term that refers to the whole group of neurodevelopmental/neuropsychiatric disorders that present with impairing symptoms in early childhood and includes ADHD, ASD, DCD, IDD, SLI, Tourette syndrome, early onset bipolar disorder, behaviour phenotype syndromes, and a variety of neurological and seizure disorders presenting with major behavioural/cognitive problems at an early age
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry home page.
www.additudemag.com for adhd professionals
chadd.org - National (USA) Resource Centre for ADHD (for teachers & educators)
Management flow charts
Geoff's resources
Developmental Coordination Disorder - often co-morbid with ADHD but important in its own right
Autism Resources (under construction)
Journal Articles
Management of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (The role of the Paediatrician)
A Short Review on the Current Understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorders
Autism spectrum disorders—A genetics review
The role of a dysmorphology examination in Autism and ASD Dysmorphology Training Manual
Helpful websites & resources for family
Raisingchildren.net.au - autism section
What is the most common cause of death in children with Autism?
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Resources (under construction)
Journal Articles
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Family Support for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Helpful websites & resources
National Organisation for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders - easily the best Australian FASD site for carers & professionals
Australian Guide to the Diagnosis of FASD - the 2016 Australian guidelines
Parenting Children with FASD - a detailed guide (70 pages)
Parenting Children with FASD - a shorter guide (30 pages in big font)
FASD - a resource for Teachers
Mood Disorder Resources (under construction)
Journal Articles
Meta Analysis of Medication in Depression, Anxiety, OCD and PTSD in children & Adolescents
Meta Analysis of Medication in Anxiety Disorders of children & Adolescents
Helpful websites & resources for family
Rare & idiosyncratic disorders (under construction)
Congenital Aphantaisa
Lives without imagery – congenital aphantasia
Helpful websites & resources for family