Referral information for GPs.
Please feel free to refer to an individual or us as a group
Referral can be sent via email, fax, healthlink, MDexchange or post
Parents then need to contact us for an appointment time
Please refer parents to our website for appointment info & what to bring
Urgent reviews
We can often see acutely sick kids the same or next day.
Please call Mudasir, Sanda or Geoff on 6243 8611 if you want to discuss an urgent review.
Current waiting time for non-urgent cases is 2-3 weeks.
Sleep clinic
Sleep problems can occur at any age and we have a designated clinic to assist.
Sanda is a certified Sleep Practitioner with post graduate qualifications.
For babies and younger kids please print off the sleep diaryso parents can record about 7 days of sleep prior to the appointment.
Teens could download a smart phone sleep tracker like Sleep cycle, SleepBot or Sleep Tracker and record a week of their sleep.
Continence - Constipation, encopresis & enuresis
Both Sanda & Mudasir are experienced in managing childhood continence problems.
Early referrals can prevent escalation that may occur in this area.
For constipation and/or encopresis please print out the following: Bristol Stool Form Scale and Stool Diary and ask parent to record stools and soiling for 2 weeks prior to review.
For Secondary Nocturnal Enuresis please arrange a Urine MC&S and Renal US.
For daytime enuresis please print out the fluid intake & voiding diary and ask parents to complete 2 x 24 hours periods recording all drinks and urine.
ADHD & Learning Problems
Geoff, Sanda & Mudasir will all manage these and associated problems.
We will conduct a detailed assessment and produce a multi-faceted plan to help these children reach their full potential.
Please print out Vanderbilt Assessments Parent and Teacher forms and ask parents to have these filled in before they see the Paediatrician.
Ask parents to bring School Reports (as many as they have), Vanderbilt Assessments, observations from teachers and any School Psychologist reports to the appointment.
Autism Assessments and management
Mudasir, Sanda & Geoff all care for children with Autism.
Sanda is qualified to administer the ADOS – an autism diagnostic tool.
We will formulate a multi-disciplinary plan to provide long term assistance.
Supporting parents assess NDIS funding and other supports and assisting with school engagement are vital parts of our service.
We facilitate access to individual and group therapeutic activities.
Asthma, eczema and hay fever
Mudasir runs our complex asthma clinic.
Referrals for children with unstable and/or difficult to control asthma are welcome.
Children with general atopic problems can also be managed by all our paediatricians.
Children who need skin prick testing should be referred to either Dr Wun Yee Lau or Royal Hobart Pediatric Outpatients.
Rheumatology and Collagen Disorders
Geoff has a Graduate Certificate in Paediatric Rheumatology.
He is happy to see kids with potential arthritis or vasculitis and manage them in conjunction with local Rheumatologists or the Royal Children’s Hospital as needed.
Geoff also cares for children with collagen disorders like Marfans and Ehlers Danlos.
Please arrange for patients with possible arthritis to have the following investigations done: FBE + film, CRP, ESR, Rf, ANA & HLA-B27
We don’t have a multi D team to manage Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia. So patients with these problems will need to be referred to the Royal Hobart.
Telehealth or Skype reviews
Just like with other specialists there is a shortage of rural paediatricians.
We can usually arrange telehealth or skype consultations if required.
It is usually best if the referring GP is available for at least the first consultation.
Theoretically we can see patients from the mainland but often there are difficulties with interstate prescriptions that make in not worthwhile.
Please ask a parent to call Maree on 6243 8611 if your patient might benefit from this service.
Patients out of the Hobart area are usually bulk billed as the extra 112 item number covers any gap.
Gifted and Talented Kids
Gifted kids tend to have their own unique difficulties in the school system.
They need greater support than is available in our resource poor schools.
Geoff works with many gifted and talented kids across Hobart, providing understanding, guidance and advocacy.
Generally school age kids need a WISC (an IQ test) and a WIAT (academic achievement test). These can be done privately but cost about $1000. If there are clear issues at school impacting on the child’s mental health then a MHCP may be appropriate.
Many local Child Psychologists will do these assessments including Windsor Psychology and Lindisfarne Psychology.
School Psychologists should be able to arrange these but practically their priorities are helping children with intellectual disabilities and other issues.
Paediatric Cancer
Local Paediatric Oncology services are based at the Royal Hobart Hospital
Remember the Red Flags for childhood cancer:
Pallor plus bleeding/bruising
Bone pain - persistent or recurrent
Localized, persistent, unexplained lymphadenopathy
Unexplained mass
Eye changes
Breathing difficulty - especially recurrent inspiratory stridor
Persistent, unexplained fever, weight loss and/or apathy
Unexplained neurological signs
If you suspect cancer urgently call the RHH Paediatric Registrar on 6166 8308
Childhood diabetes
Children with diabetes in Southern Tasmania are managed in the Paediatric Diabetes Team based at the Royal Hobart.
The team includes Drs Mark Pascoe, Michelle Williams and Geoff Donegan along with Diabetes Educators, Psychologist and Dietitian
Don't forget the possible clinical features of new onset Type I Diabetes:
Unexplained weight loss
Polyuria and polydipsia
extreme thirst or constant hunger
Diabetic ketoacidosis - high blood sugar + ketones
Blurred vision, nausea, vomiting
Sadly even the youngest kids can get Type 1 Diabetes. This case of a 2 month old is the youngest Geoff has heard of.
Children with new diagnosis of Type I Diabetes should be immediately referred to the Emergency Department where paediatric admission will be arranged.